Thursday, November 28, 2019

Augustus Rome essays

Augustus' Rome essays Augustus Rome; modern marvel in ancient times Throughout history the world has seen many a great empire rise and fall. Empires that have spanned the globe and dominated vast tracts of land as well the age in history from which they spawned. Many of these empires were famous for their capitols, crown jewels of the empires where the main power was centered and where the government was housed. Rome in the ancient Roman Empire was perhaps the greatest city of this kind. Perhaps reaching its full bloom under the reign of Octavian better known as Augustus. Under Augustus Rome underwent many changes. Rome was as much a bustling center of commerce and activities as any modern city of today. It was a place of great populous and architecture and commerce. It was a city of power and grandeur led by a man to match its strength. Augustus Rome was a city like no other. It held innumerable people in buildings the likes of which could not be dreamed. It was a city that ran efficiently with modern flair that seemed ahead of its time. Based upon what written records tell us and what we know through archeological study, Rome was a large city. How large is however difficult to say. Put simply most of what was once ancient Rome is buried beneath what is today modern Rome. Therefore it is difficult to know where the boundaries were. Any attempts to estimate the size in square meters of Rome is speculative at best when one considers the two most accurate estimates differ about 2 million square meters. We do however know that there were at least 46, 602 apartment houses and easily 1760 private ones. We do also know that while walls at it had once fortified Rome boundaries the wall became virtually unnecessary when Rome had reached its present size under Augustus it was simply to immense to fear invasion, Hannibal having been the last invader in 211 BC Also within the city existed the Praetorians, an elite group of the finest sol ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

French Attributive Adjectives - Adjectifs épithètes

French Attributive Adjectives - Adjectifs à ©pithà ¨tes Attributive adjectives are used to describe or emphasize some attribute (characteristic) of the noun they modify. Known as à ©pithà ¨tes in French, attributive adjectives are a subcategory of qualifying (descriptive) adjectives. The defining characteristic of attributive adjectives is that they are joined to the noun they modify - immediately preceding or following it with no verb in between. une jeune fille  Ã‚  Ã‚  young girlun nouveau livre  Ã‚  Ã‚  new bookune question intà ©ressante  Ã‚  Ã‚  interesting questionun restaurant cà ©là ¨bre  Ã‚  Ã‚  famous restaurant An attributive adjective emphasizes some aspect of the noun which is essential to the meaning of the noun but not necessarily to the sentence. That is, the à ©pithà ¨te can be dropped without changing the essential meaning of the sentence: Jai achetà © un nouveau livre rougeJai achetà © un nouveau livreJai achetà © un livre Both nouveau and rouge are attributive adjectives, and both can be dropped without hurting the essential meaning of the sentence: I bought a book. Including new and red simply provides additional information about the book that I bought. Types There are three types of attributive adjectives: Épithà ¨te de nature - indicates a permanent, inherent qualityun pà ¢le visage - pale faceune pomme rouge - red appleÉpithà ¨te de caractà ¨re - describes an individual, distinguishing qualityun cher ami - dear friendun homme honnà ªte - honest manÉpithà ¨te de circonstance - expresses a temporary, current qualityune jeune fille - young girlun garà §on triste - sad boy Agreement Attributive adjectives must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. Placement Like all descriptive French adjectives, the majority of à ©pithà ¨tes follow the noun they modify. However, à ©pithà ¨tes precede the noun when: the adjective noun is considered a single unit of meaningthe adjective is describing rather than qualifying (limiting) the meaning of the nounit just sounds better As you can see, there are no hard and fast rules for determining whether an à ©pithà ¨te should precede or follow the noun it modifies, but there are some general guidelines that can help: Precede the noun Follow the noun pithtes de nature pithtes de circonstance Figurative or subjective meaning Literal or objective meaning Size and beauty(petit, grand, joli...) Other physical qualities(rouge, carr, costaud...) Single-syllable adjective +multi-syllable noun Multi-syllable adjective +single-syllable noun Ordinal adjectives(premier, deuxime...) Categories + relationships(chrtien, franais, essentiel...) Age(jeune, vieux, nouveau...) Present participles and past participlesused as adjectives (courant, lu...) Goodness(bon, mauvais...) Modified adjectives(un raisin grand comme un abricot)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Romanticism - Humanities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Romanticism - Humanities - Essay Example Other art forms carried the period into the second half of the nineteenth century. This extended chronological spectrum (1770-1870) also permits recognition as Romantic the poetry of Robert Burns and William Blake in England, the early writings of Goethe and Schiller in Germany, and the great period of influence for Rousseau's writings throughout Europe. 1 One of Ludwig van Beethoven's critiques wrote of his work, referring to the third symphony, as having romantic elements --powerful melodies and dramatic intensity.2 Barry Cooper, a noted Beethoven scholar, commented on The Choral Fantasy as having "a Romantic wilderness that easily obscures its ingeniously created design."3 He was speaking of the fact that The Choral Fantasy when it was first performed was done spontaneously. It stopped and restarted on more than one occasion. This is because Beethoven only wrote the full score a year later. 4 He was playing the Fantasy from the heart. As he was quoted saying, "I must write, for what weighs on my heart, I must express."5 Romanticism is a manner of self expression that comes from the heart. It must be spontaneous, using powerful melodies and creating dramatic intensities. This illusion of romantic wilderness is beautiful. Anne K. Anne K. Mellor a known critique of Mary Shelley notes one of the general themes of Frankenstein as "uncontrolled scientific advancement causes destruction."6 Man uses science to try to make a human being, and thus conquer nature.7 Instead a monster was created. Shelley explores the concept of what is beautiful and ugly. She concludes that the concept of what is beautiful is defined by society and to them Frankenstein is not. He is ugly, a monster. Shelley's reaction to this concept is expressive of her innermost feelings. She also shows negative sentiments about the way women were being restricted to the domestic realm. She does this by murdering many of the female characters.8 Mellor also points this out as one of the general themes of the novel.9 Romanticism is the expression of artists' inner feelings. The work should mirror the artists' vision of the world and be the instrument of the artists' imagination.10 The Social Contract written by Jean Jacques Roussau has as its theses, which can be found at the first sentence of the essay: "Man is born free but everywhere is in chains." He expounds on the nature of freedom. For him, "natural human beings are born completely self-sufficient and self-governing. But needing to interact with others, humans are forced to give up their liberties. He enters into a "social contract" in which the governed agree to be ruled only so that their rights, property and happiness must be protected by their rulers. Once rulers cease to protect the ruled, the social contract is broken and the governed are free to choose another set of governors or magistrates.11 He writes this in passionate rhetoric and is an expression of how he views the relationship of men with the state. Romanticism is the reaction of the writer to what he sees around him. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote a work rich in contradictions and conflicts, entitled Faust: A Tragedy. "It is a Romantic masterwork precisely because it explores a wide variety of polar opposites without resolving them.